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The Silent Walk

Sharon Cole

The Silent Walk
Immerse yourself in the natural sounds and sights around you

Discover the Joy of Silent Walking

For many of us, going for a walk usually involves plugging in our headphones and tuning out the world. Music, podcasts, or a chat with a friend often accompany us on our strolls. While these walks have their own charm, I also found a new way to enjoy my walks: silent walking around my local nature reserve. It's an idea that came through running and mindfulness training and is an experience that has brought a fresh perspective to exercise and a deeper connection to nature.

Silent walking is gaining popularity as a wellness trend, and it’s easy to see why. Walking without devices or distractions helps reduce stress and allows us to think more clearly. Experts believe it counteracts the pressures of our daily lives, and it’s a wonderful way to practice mindfulness by truly appreciating our surroundings.

What Is Silent Walking?

Silent walking is all about taking a walk without any devices or companions. Instead of filling the silence with music, podcasts, or conversation, you immerse yourself in the natural sounds and sights around you. This simple practice can have profound effects on your mental and emotional well-being.

The idea has been around for decades, but the trend took off after TikTok creator Mady Maio shared how her nutritionist recommended a 30-minute daily walk instead of intense cardio workouts. Her boyfriend suggested she amplify the benefits by walking distraction-free, and the silent walking movement was born. Since then, countless people have embraced the practice, finding that it gives them time to be alone with their thoughts, helping them feel calmer and think more clearly.

The Benefits of Silent Walking

Therapist Tracy Richardson notes that the rise in silent walking is a reaction to our increasingly busy lifestyles. It provides a much-needed escape from the constant noise and hustle. Silent walking helps reestablish conscious connections with ourselves and teaches us to slow down.

Silent walking has become more popular recently due to needing an escape from the 24/7, always-on, hustle culture we have evolved into as a society,” she reasons.

There is so much ‘noise’ that surrounds us daily, and I believe it’s a kickback against this, reestablishing those conscious connections with the self and learning to slow down.

One of the most significant benefits of silent walking is its ability to relieve stress and anxiety. Modern living often puts us in a perpetual state of fight or flight, which can be exhausting for both body and mind. Silent walking allows us to step away from this stress, return to our bodies, and become more aware of our feelings and environment. This mindfulness practice can lead to a calmer mind and a healthier body.

Tracey explains that walking without distractions helps our bodies switch to a parasympathetic state, promoting rest, restoration, and digestion. This reduction in exposure to stressors like noise allows us to truly relax and recharge.

Modern living often puts you into fight or flight mode and switches on the sympathetic part of your autonomic nervous system,” she explains.

This response should be reserved for acute situations where you need to run away or stand and fight – it’s not designed for chronic situations, and when it’s continually stimulated it stresses the body and mind.

Tracey describes silent walking as an opportunity to step away from this stress, “drop back into your body” and notice how you are feeling.

Silent walking brings you into the present moment so you are aware of yourself and your environment. It is the difference between being mindful and having a mind full,” she surmises.

Silent Walking vs. Walking with Distractions

Walking with music, podcasts, or friends can be enjoyable, but it adds more stimuli to our already overloaded brains. Hypnotherapist and psychotherapist Holly Hannigan points out that while these activities can be beneficial, they can also prevent us from finding focus and mental clarity.

Silent walks, on the other hand, are more immersive. They encourage us to notice our surroundings and appreciate the natural beauty around us. Studies have shown that spending time in nature reduces stress-related brain activity, restores focused attention and lowers blood pressure.

Tips for a Mindful Silent Walk

To make the most of your silent walk, leave your headphones behind and focus on being present. Notice the feeling of the ground beneath your feet, the colours and shapes in the sky, and the textures of leaves and flowers. These small acts of mindfulness keep you grounded in the present moment, helping to clear your mind of worries about work, family, or future concerns.

So, are silent walks as beneficial as they seem? It really depends on what you want at the time. If you want some stimulation while putting in the steps, a riveting podcast or the company of a good friend may be a solid choice.

However, if what you really need is a break from life’s daily stresses, then silent walks can be as beneficial as they seem. While a podcast or a chat with a friend can be stimulating, a distraction-free walk offers a unique opportunity to rest, recharge, and reset.

So, while the weather is nice, let’s embrace the silent walk and discover the calm and clarity that nature has to offer.

"Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience." - Ralph Waldo Emerson.

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